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【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 失眠產品】Re-Timer 光療助眠眼鏡 - 擾亂「生理時鐘」的因素

What factors can disrupt the "internal body clock" and cause insomnia?

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Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (DSP) is one of the circadian rhythm disorders. Patients usually go to bed late and wake up late, and their daily routines are severely interrupted. Patients will fall asleep several hours later than the usual. As a result, it is challenging for patients to get up in the morning, making arriving at work and class on time difficult. If the patient has to get up early, it means that he may lack the required sleep.  Therefore, it causes drowsiness and fatigue throughout the day, which severely affects work and academic performance. Patients with DSP have difficulty falling asleep unless they can go to bed very late. This disorder is more common in adolescents and young adults, the ratio is about 7-16%. About 10% of patients who have chronic insomnia also have this problem.
【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 失眠產品】Re-Timer 光療助眠眼鏡 - 擾亂「生理時鐘」的因素 - 睡眠相位後移綜合症 (DSP)

Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder >

Advanced Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (ASP) is also one of the circadian rhythm disorders. Contrary to DSP, patients generally go to bed early and get up early, but it is different from the typical definition of the daily schedule. Patients usually feel sleepy in the evening and tend to fall asleep from 6 to 9 p.m.  Since they go to sleep early, sufferers then tend to wake up from 2 to 5 in the morning. If the patient can live according to this daily routine, it is usually not a big problem.  However, if it is necessary to attend social gatherings at night or evenings, the patient will feel strenuous, and it is difficult to stay awake. This disorder often occurs in older people.
【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 失眠產品】Re-Timer 光療助眠眼鏡 - 擾亂「生理時鐘」的因素 - 睡眠相位前移綜合症 (ASP)

Advanced Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder >

Shift work can disrupt the body's biological clock, especially those that need to work after midnight or overnight. When we should be asleep between midnight and early morning, but our body is forced to stay awake and continue to work, we will feel exhausted, drowsy, and even unable to concentrate. After returning home from work in the morning, our body needs to rest, but the biological clock is set to "awake" time. This impedes or delays the ability to fall asleep. It is estimated that about 10% to 20% of the global working population demands to work in shifts. According to a 2019 Asian survey, chronic insomnia affecting shift workers is nearly twice that of the general public.
【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 失眠產品】Re-Timer 光療助眠眼鏡 - 擾亂「生理時鐘」的因素 - 輪班工作

Shift Work >

When we need to travel across several time zones, the internal body clock cannot regulate quickly enough.  Situations such as wanting to sleep during the day or difficulty falling asleep at night occur. This phenomenon is known as "jet lag". Our body will eventually recover from the effects of jet lag, but it may take several days or longer. If you are relaxed and merely travelling with friends or family, getting up early or late may not be a problem. You can even take a day off if you feel tired and alter the daily schedule casually.  However, if you need to attend essential meetings, events, or competitions the next day, your mental state and sleep will matter a lot.
【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 失眠產品】Re-Timer 光療助眠眼鏡 - 擾亂「生理時鐘」的因素 - 時差

Jet Lag >





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