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【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠測試服務】家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試

At-Home Sleep Apnea
Screening Test

Quick Facts of Sleep Apnea

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】睡眠窒息症小知識 - 香港2%女士及4%男士患有睡眠窒息症

2% Women &

4% Men in HK

​have Sleep Apnea

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】睡眠窒息症小知識 - 85%頑固性高血壓人士同時患有睡眠窒息症

people with

Resistant Hypertension

also have Sleep Apnea

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】睡眠窒息症小知識 - 肥胖是睡眠窒息症的高危因素


​is a high risk factor for

Sleep Apnea

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】睡眠窒息症小知識 - 響亮頻繁的鼻鼾是睡眠窒息症的症狀之一

Loud Frequent Snoring

​is one of the indicators of

​Sleep Apnea

Test Focus


I wish to obtain a preliminary understanding of my personal risk of sleep apnea.


The sleep apnea index from the screening test is for reference only.


The test result will be available the following day.

Before Test

What Do You Need To Know?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】推薦給STOP BANG問卷結果顯示為低風險人士

It is recommended for those who scored low risk in the STOP BANG Assessment but are still worried about sleep apnea, or those who wish to understand the effectiveness of sleep apnea treatment options (such as Oral Appliance Therapy).

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】可以給醫生作為參考

This test cannot be used as a medical diagnose of sleep apnea, but it can provide you and your doctor regarding assessing your risk of sleep apnea so further diagnosis and treatment plans can be made.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家��中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】回家進行一晚測試

You will get a test machine with simple instructions, and then you will be doing the test at home for a night.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】免費專業諮詢

This test cannot substitute a doctor’s professional consultation.

During Test

What Equipment You Need To Wear?

① Sleep Monitor

Pulse Oximeter

③ Breath Sensor

After Test

What Information You Will Receive?

12 - tick.png

Blood Oxygen Level (SpO2)

12 - tick.png

% of SpO2 < 90%

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Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI)

12 - tick.png

AHI (Reference Value)

12 - tick.png

Complimentary Analysis of Report over the Phone

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】專業詳盡的睡眠測試報告
【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】給您的醫生提供參考,為您安排合適的治療方案

Next Step

​What Should I Do?

Testing is the first step in receiving treatment and staying healthy. Please consult your doctor before making any medical decision.

Report Review

If the AHI is 5 times or more; or less than 5 times but there are other health risks

The total score of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is 10 or above


Visit a Doctor

Doctor may recommend and refer you to hospital for polysomnography (PSG) or sleep endoscopy test.

Or Type II / Type III Home Sleep Apnea Test.


Receive Treatment

If OSA is diagnosed, you can start using CPAP for the treatment.

You can also consult your doctor about Other Treatment Options


Why choose

SleepKinwood for test?

Since 2001, we have provided professional medical services to more than 10,000 Hong Kong people suffering from sleep disorders.


For 25 years, we have been well trusted by

Hong Kong hospital departments of sleep,

ENT, spine and intensive care units (ICU)

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 家中睡眠窒息症篩查測試】專業 - 超過25年豐富經驗
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