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【FREE TRIAL】FREE CPAP Trial for the first week! We also have private bedrooms, you can try them out at our shop! Please remember that CPAP is a professional medical device, you must try it yourself before purchase.

CPAP Therapy

CPAP therapy is often the preferred treatment for people with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and it is the best treatment option for patients with severe heart disease at the same time.

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* Authorised Dealer *

SleepStyle™ Smart CPAP

Made in New Zealand and produced by the famous CPAP brand Fisher & Paykel, it brings a quiet and comfortable CPAP therapy to users. Equipped with integrated heated humidifier, mobile app, cloud remote service, and 4yrs warranty.

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* Authorised Dealer *

Transcend Micro™ Mini CPAP

The smallest and lightest CPAP! The size is about 9cm and the weight is less than 0.5lbs. Equipped with HME humidifier, muffler, and mobile app. It is suitable for using at home or traveling. FAA-approved. New launch in 2022. Manufactured in the USA.

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* Authorised Dealer *

Jusmine J CPAP from Japan

Made in Japan, 4.3" extra-large color touchscreen with stylish appearance. Comes with 2yrs warranty.

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* Authorised Dealer *

CPAP Comparison

3 CPAPs, different features, different origins, whether you are looking for an Auto CPAP or a Fixed CPAP, a Home-Use CPAP or a Travel CPAP, there is always one that suits your needs. Authorized dealer offers original factory maintenance.

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CPAP Masks

New Zealand Fisher & Paykel has a wide range of CPAP mask, including the best-selling nasal mask, the lightweight nasal pillow mask, and the full-face mask for mouth breathers.

* Authorised Dealer *

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3 Types of CPAP


To Fit Your Needs

Integrated Heated Humidifier
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Transcend Micro




Smart CPAP

Expiratory Relief

Jusmine J
CPAP from Japan

Integrated Heated Humidifier
Leak Compensation
順應性報告 (呼吸機用機報告)
Compliance Report
Smart Phone App
Remote Support
External Battery
體積 (長*闊*高) (厘米)
Dimension (L*W*H) (cm)

18 * 18 * 14

9 * 9 * 6

13 * 18 * 9

主機重量 (磅)
Net Weight (lbs)




原廠保養 (年)
Warranty (yrs)

2 / 4

1 + 1


Authorized Dealer
Country of Origin






Smart CPAP

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Transcend Micro


Jusmine J
CPAP from Japan


There are various models of CPAP on the market, but the functions are actually similar. You can choose freely according to your needs and affordability. However, please remember to purchase from a authorized supplier to ensure that you can enjoy the maintenance and repair services from the original manufacturer in the future. CPAP is not a household appliance, medical device associated with your health and life safety. Don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

Hong Kong CPAP Price

Since Hong Kong is a free trade market, therefore, even CPAP is a medical device, it still just like other products on the market, also face serious "parallel import" problems. So, the prices of the same model of CPAPs in Hong Kong can vary greatly. It is recommended that consumers calm down when encountering a CPAP price that is too low, find out whether the CPAP company is the authorized dealer, and inquire with the CPAP company to make sure they are selling the licensed CPAPs. It is because parallel-imported CPAPs of unknown origin may be defective or repackaged with the second-hand. Also, parallel importers may not be able to obtain safety guarantees such as maintenance, inspection, and repair of the CPAP from the original manufacturer.

Buy CPAP get FREE Steriliser?

Some unprofessional CPAP companies not only sell parallel imports of unknown origin at low prices, but even give away ozone sterilisers and UV sterilisers as a gimmick. In fact, it is very unprofessional to give you a steriliser as a gift or claim that they will provide unlimited times free CPAP cleaning service with the steriliser in the future.

FDA has issued an announcement as early as 2020, indicating that it does not recognise the use of ozone or UV to disinfect CPAPs, CPAP masks and accessories, because the ozone concentration required to effectively kill harmful bacteria is much higher than the level safe for humans. Using products that have been sterilized with high concentrations of ozone (ozone will remain on the products), or using ozone sterilizers in poorly ventilated areas, can cause users to experience respiratory discomforts such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and headaches.

FDA Reminds Patients that Devices Claiming to Clean, Disinfect or Sanitize CPAP Machines U
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Successful & Effective

CPAP Therapy begins with

Select a CPAP Mask that Fits You


Don't know how to choose?

It only takes 2 minutes to match you with a CPAP mask of choice.

Latest CPAP Comparison

Based on the main CPAPs provided by SleepKinwood™ in 2023, we have gathered the opinions of CPAP users and their families, as well as the experience of our CPAP experts for more than two decades. The following is the "CPAP Comparison Guide" that we have integrated. We hope it can help those who are purchasing a CPAP to choose the most suitable one.

Quiet & Comfortable CPAP 
New Zealand F&P SleepStyle™ Smart CPAP

If you are looking for a peaceful and comfortable CPAP treatment experience, SleepKinwood™ as one of the CPAP experts in Hong Kong, we will recommend the SleepStyle™ Smart CPAP produced by Fisher & Paykel Healthcare in New Zealand, a world-renowned CPAP brand, to you! The price of this CPAP is in the middle price range, it is also the CPAP with the most complete sets and functions among the three CPAP models we are offering. Moreover, most users who have tried it praise it for being quiet and comfortable.

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* Authorised Dealer *

Comparing the three CPAP models we are offering, only the F&P SleepStyle™ Smart CPAP has both fixed and auto model options. No matter you choose the fixed CPAP or the auto CPAP, they are all equipped with mobile app, Bluetooth and cloud service. Compared with other fixed CPAPs on the market, it is rare for a fixed CPAP to have all the above functions, so it may be the most cost effective one! CPAPs with all the above functions are much more convenient for users. When users need to download CPAP usage data report, they no longer need to bring their USB to the CPAP company; now users just need to call or send a WhatsApp text message to the CPAP company, and we will send the CPAP usage data report to you via email or WhatsApp immediately. In addition, the CPAP company can remotely follow up on your CPAP usage through cloud service and provide you with professional improvement suggestions. Moreover, the CPAP company can even help you change the CPAP settings remotely. If you need to change the air pressure of the CPAP after the medical consultation, or need to change the humidity level of the CPAP as the weather changes, you can also call or send a WhatsApp text message to the CPAP company, we can handle it for you immediately and easily, which is very simple and convenient.


In addition to the above-mentioned benefits of smart CPAPs, the New Zealand F&P SleepStyle™ is one of the few CPAPs with a built-in heated humidifier. This design is not only space-saving, it also helps you save extra money. Compared with other CPAPs on the market, for the same price, other models of CPAPs may require an extra few thousand dollars to be equipped with a heated humidifier. So, New Zealand F&P SleepStyle™ can be said to have a big lead in terms of built-in heated humidifier. The heated humidifier is a must-have for many Hong Kong CPAP users who also suffer from allergic rhinitis. Since the nasal mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis is relatively sensitive, heating and humidifying the air pressure of the CPAP before delivering it to the user's respiratory tract will help relieve the user's symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Also, for the patients who report having problems with dry mouth and nose after using CPAP, heated humidifier can also relieve the related side effects of CPAP.


In addition, New Zealand F&P SleepStyle™ Smart CPAP integrates many patented technologies, including: SensAwake™ and ThermoSmart™. It also features with ramp and expiratory relief technology, which makes users more comfortable and easier to adapt to CPAP treatment. Last but not least, one more advantage of this CPAP is that when you buy it, it not only comes with a CPAP mask, a heating tube, CPAP filters, a USB, and a carry bag. F&P also provides customers with a choice of two-year or four-year all-inclusive warranty (including labor and parts). CPAP with four-year warranty is really rare on the market. Such competitive price with such complete package of CPAP are really attractive. Therefore, we generally recommend the New Zealand F&P SleepStyle™ Smart CPAP to our customer, because we also understand that consumers often worry about high maintenance costs in the future when purchasing medical products. Four-year all-inclusive warranty can provide everyone with a worry-free choice.

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Lightweight & Portable CPAP 
Transcend Micro™
Travel CPAP

If you are looking for a lightweight and portable CPAP, or a mini CPAP that is small and does not take up space in the bedroom, we will recommend the Transcend Micro™ travel CPAP to you! It is not only the smallest among the three CPAPs in comparison, it is also the lightest and smallest auto CPAP in the world. It is only as big as an orange. Many customers will be surprised when they see the actual product in our store. It turns out that CPAP can be so tiny. In addition, the most important thing is that the price of this travel CPAP is also very affordable.

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* Authorised Dealer *

However, you need to pay attention when choosing a lightweight and small CPAP. The motor sound of travel CPAPs is generally louder, and the air pressure output is generally not as gentle as that of home-use CPAPs. This problem is not limited to Transcend Micro™, but occurs with almost all travel CPAPs. This is because the travel CPAP is small in size and there is not enough space inside the machine to add a sound insulation layer. The sound generated when the fan blades rotate will be more obvious. The fan component inside the machine is also relatively small and simple, so the rotation speed needs to be accelerated to reach the required standard air pressure output. In this way, the air pressure blown out will naturally be stronger, and the life span of fan shaft will be shorter. Therefore, compared with a travel CPAP and a home-use CPAP, the home-use CPAP must be more durable, quieter and more comfortable.


But compared with other travel CPAPs on the market, Transcend Micro™ also has its advantages. As it is the latest model among the travel CPAPs on the Hong Kong market, it is not only the lightest and thinnest, but also adds some improvement features to address the common travel CPAP problems mentioned above, including: muffler and heat moisture exchanger (HME), which improves the problem of loud motor sound and further optimized the package of travel CPAP. We are happy to announce that the CPAP users who need humidification function can also have the right to choose travel CPAP now!

A Brief Summary of CPAP Comparison

At the end, we would like to give all of you a one more kind reminder, in addition to choosing a CPAP that suits you, it is also important to choose a CPAP company that makes you feel no worries. Because you need to keep contact with the CPAP company after purchasing a CPAP, you need to download and print compliance reports (CPAP usage data), change CPAP settings (including: adjusting air pressure and humidity, etc.), regular CPAP inspection service, regular replacement of CPAP mask & accessories, overnight oximetry test and travel CPAP rental service, etc. Therefore, it is also very important to choose a CPAP company with good after-sales service. They will be like your personal secretary, patiently listening to your needs, following up on your CPAP treatment, and reminding you to reserve a CPAP inspection service, and replace the CPAP mask & accessories regularly.


We hope the above CPAP Comparison Guide can help you when choosing a CPAP. CPAP is the gold standard in sleep apnea treatment. Follow professional medical instructions as soon as possible so that you and your family can regain healthy and high-quality sleep soon.

CPAP Therapy - FAQs

What is CPAP?

Invented in 1981, CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a widely recognized method for treating obstructive sleep apnea. It is the gold standard for improving sleep apnea and other afflictions, such as sleepiness syndrome.


Unfortunately, there is no one-off solution for obstructive sleep apnea. Nowadays, doctors strongly advice patients to use CPAP. CPAP is a very efficient method, successfully combating against various degrees of sleep apnea.


The theory of CPAP is where an increased air pressure is released into the patient’s nasal cavity and throat, forcing away the tissue blocking the respiratory tract and keeping the airway open, preventing the occurrence of sleep apnea.

What is the difference between Auto CPAP and Fixed CPAP?

Fixed CPAP releases a determined pressure prescribed by the doctor. This machine is also more affordable than automatic CPAP. On the other hand, automatic CPAP adjusts the pressure according to the patient’s current degree of sleep apnea, making it more comfortable to use and preventing occurrence of insufficient or excessive air pressure.


Different sleep stages and sleeping positions can affect the degree of sleep apnea. Smoking or drinking alcohol before sleeping will cause airway tissue to loosen, increasing the severity of sleep apnea. Furthermore, sleeping in a supine position increases the chances of airway obstruction compared to sleeping in a lateral position. Auto CPAP can detect and adjust to the level of airway obstruction by moderating the air pressure, ensuring comfort for people undergoing long-term CPAP treatment. Hence, an increasing number of customers have been purchasing Auto CPAP.

Can I try or rent before buying a CPAP machine?

Initially, most customers are not familiar with CPAP machine and sleep apnea. Therefore, we will personally invite them to our company to let them try our machines in a private bedroom. If the customer is pleased with the CPAP treatment, they can buy their own CPAP machine right away. However, if the customer is still unsure about the treatment, they can choose to rent a CPAP machine. This requires rental fees, deposit fees and a new set of accessories. Afterwards, they can bring home the CPAP machine and make the decision of purchasing their own later. For the first few weeks of renting or purchasing, we will keep in close touch and help when needed.

Common Reasons for Rejecting CPAP

We understand that purchasing a CPAP machine is not an easy decision. It is expensive, with each machine costing around HK$10,000. Simultaneously, you may doubt whether you can fully adjust to the treatment. Furthermore, adapting to a new sleep lifestyle is not easy. Before and after you sleep, you must spend time putting on and washing your accessories, which puts more pressure on your schedule.


During the first few weeks, many customers fear that moving too much in their sleep will cause the position of the nasal mask to shift, so they fall asleep in uncomfortable positions, causing a backache. Customers also find it hard to breathe due to the increased air pressure, leading to nasal allergies such as a runny or stuffy nose. If the nasal mask is too tight, it can cause headaches or facial indents, affecting the customer’s physical appearance.


Despite the concerns listed above, customers should know that the CPAP treatment is the golden standard for improving sleep apnea and other consequential issues like cardiovascular disease. If the customer is provided proper assistance and learns how to use a CPAP machine diligently, they can avoid many of the issues stated above and smoothly transition into the treatment.

How to choose a reliable CPAP supplier?

As a qualified medical equipment supplier with more than 20 years of experience in selling CPAP in Hong Kong, we would consider ourselves a CPAP expert. In our mind, a reliable CPAP supplier should meet the following basic requirements:


(1) Authorized CPAP Dealer


We understand customers would always compare prices before making a purchasing decision, especially the price of CPAP can range from several thousand dollars to several ten thousand dollars, however, we should also pay attention to the product safety issues. Do not choose a parallel CPAP importer because of the lower price, those CPAP may from unknown sources. Different from household appliances, medical equipment is a product that directly affects your own health. If the parts used in the parallel imported CPAP have been repackaged, it may seriously lead to improper treatment. In addition, when there is a problem with your CPAP and needs to be repaired or returned, you may not be able to get the maintenance and repair services provided by the original factory. The parallel CPAP importer may also charge you additional fees for the after-sales service. Moreover, you might use substandard batches of goods that are required to be recalled because you cannot receive the latest information from the original factory, and it will cause you loss both of your wealth and health.


(2) Private Bedroom


The price of CPAP can cost thousands of dollars, so we always strongly recommend that patients try it out in the store before purchasing, to feel the air pressure output from CPAP, and experience the feeling of wearing a nasal mask together with CPAP to sleep. When trying out CPAP and nasal masks, it is best to choose a CPAP supplier that have private bedroom in the store, which not only protects personal privacy, but more importantly allows you to lie on the bed (not a recliner or sofa) to simulate every night sleep, and allowing you to be alone in the bedroom to listen clearly to see if the CPAP is quiet.


Of course, you can also borrow the CPAP and try it out at home, but for hygiene reasons, you may need to buy a set of nasal masks. If you plan to borrow several different models of CPAP, you will need to go back and forth to visit the CPAP store several times to rent and return them. Therefore, it is best to choose a CPAP supplier with a private bedroom, so that you can try out the CPAP in peace before making a decision to rent or buy it.


(3) Provide Professional After-Sales Service


CPAP is a lifetime treatment, so after-sales service is very important. For patients who use a CPAP for the first time, they may encounter many difficulties in operation. Regular follow-up by professional sleep consultants can provide you with timely assistance, also help you pass the adaptation period faster, ensuring that you get the treatment properly. In addition, it is also very important to have an experienced technical support team, who can regularly conduct professional routine inspections and maintenance for your CPAP, and provide you with an authorized repair service when the CPAP fails. Last but not least, in the long journey of CPAP treatment, professional educational support services are also indispensable. Arrange doctor seminars, make educational videos, publish and distribute educational publications, hold customer exchange activities, etc., to let you become a CPAP expert together with us, which is the real successful CPAP treatment we would love to see.

What should I pay attention to when comparing (and choosing) a CPAP?

When purchasing CPAP, the first consideration is whether you need "Fixed CPAP" or "Auto CPAP". Fixed CPAP is generally cheaper, because Fixed CPAP will only output a fixed air pressure according to the doctor's prescription. If the air pressure prescribed by the doctor is relatively high, your mouth and nose may become dry and uncomfortable. The price of Auto CPAP is generally higher, because Auto CPAP can automatically adjust the degree of air pressure you need according to your sleep apnea situation, so that you do not need to suffer the discomfort caused by the long-term high pressure treatment of Fixed CPAP.


Second, you can pay attention to whether heated humidifiers are supported when doing CPAP comparisons. There are two types of CPAP with heated humidifiers, one is an external design, most of which need to be purchased at an additional cost; the other is a built-in design, which is relatively space-saving. The function of the heated humidifier is to adjust the temperature and humidity of the air output by CPAP, which is a great help to solve the problem of dry mouth and nose, and it will be much more comfortable to use.


In addition, when comparing CPAP, many people will focus on their size. Especially in recent years, many small and lightweight "travel CPAP" have been launched on the market. This type of CPAP is recommended for people who often need to travel to other places for business or tourism. However, it should be noted that the sound of the travel CPAP's motor rotating during operation is generally louder than that the home-use CPAP, so it is best to try it out before making a decision.


In addition, it is necessary to compare the functions of a CPAP, such as expiratory relief, which is designed to automatically relieve air pressure every time you breathe out, to make breathing more comfortable. In recent years, many CPAPs have been integrated with smart technology, launched mobile apps and cloud remote support services, allowing you to keep track of your treatment progress anytime and anywhere, with a more thoughtful follow-up service.


Last but not least, you should compare the CPAP price, brand, origin and other factors according to your needs, choose the CPAP model that suits you most, and then make an appointment to an authorized CPAP dealer to arrange a free trial in their store, and then make the final decision according to the comfort and quietness of the use.

Which CPAP model is recommended for people with allergic rhinitis?

In our CPAP series, our professional CPAP consultant would recommend F&P SleepStyle™ Auto CPAP to the sleep apnea patients who suffer from allergic rhinitis. Since F&P SleepStyle™ Auto CPAP can automatically adjust the air pressure according to the needs of the patient, the risk of allergic rhinitis aggravated by strong winds is greatly reduced. In addition, F&P SleepStyle™ Auto CPAP has a built-in heated humidifier to effectively help relieve dry mouth and nose caused by CPAP treatment and protect sensitive nasal passages.

Which CPAP is recommended for people who are sensitive to sound?

In our CPAP series, our professional CPAP consultant would recommend F&P SleepStyle™ CPAP to those who are sensitive to sound. F&P SleepStyle™ CPAP is designed with three-layer internal insulation using materials such as rubber and silicone, to isolate the noise made by the motor. According to the data from F&P, the average noise level is <35 dBA, which is probably quieter than the sound of an air conditioner, which is suitable for people who are easy to wake up and need a quiet sleeping environment.

Which CPAP is recommended for people who frequently travel abroad for business or tourism?

In our CPAP series, our professional CPAP consultant would recommend Transcend 3 Mini CPAP, because of its palm-sized and lightweight design, which is a reliable travel companion. It is also approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for use on airplanes. In addition, Transcend 3 is equipped with an external rechargeable battery, which can last up to 15 hours on average, so that you don’t have to worry about power supply problems. Even during power outages or you are camping, you can still receive CPAP treatment anytime & anywhere.

Notices for Civil Servants to Purchase CPAP

Among the benefits provided by the government to the current and retired civil servants, the purchase of CPAP is a medical expense that can be applied for reimbursement. Taking the basic model as an example, the maximum rate in 2019 is $5,800. Civil servants only need to fill in the application form and submit it to the Department of Health together with a valid doctor’s prescription and a receipt for purchasing CPAP. In addition, civil servants can also apply for a subsidy from the government every year to purchase basic CPAP consumables, including nasal mask, CPAP tubing, CPAP filter, etc. In 2019, the maximum rate of this part is $1,900. The application form can be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau's website here, or check with your healthcare service provider. (If you are our customer, please call us at 3106 0033 for details.)

What are the benefits of a heated humidifier for CPAP therapy?

A heated humidifier is an effective tool in CPAP treatment. Customers commonly complain about how the CPAP machine leads to sneezing, a dry mouth and a stuffy nose. These issues can be reduced by using a heated humidifier. When using a CPAP machine, it will extract the surrounding air and release it through the customer’s nasal mask and tubing. Most of the Hong Kong people have a habit of using air-conditioner during the summer and heater in the winter. Both appliances cause the surrounding air to become very dry, meaning the air released through the nasal mask is equally arid. A heated humidifier can adjust the surrounding air to a more comfortable humidity and temperature, lowering the customer’s oral and nasal discomfort.

Why undergo an oximetry test after buying a CPAP machine?

Undergoing an oximetry test can confirm the effectiveness of the CPAP treatment, making sure there is enough oxygen in the blood for normal bodily function. Hong Kong medical professionals recommend patients to have a 95-98% of blood oxygen saturation when using CPAP. If your blood oxygen saturation drops below 90%, check if your nasal mask is properly fitted and any excessive air leakage. If you are using a fixed CPAP machine, you may have to adjust the air pressure to ensure better treatment.

What is AHI (Apnea Hypopnea Index)?

AHI is a scale used to indicate the severity of sleep apnea and is presented by the number of apnea and hypopnea events per hour of sleep. An AHI of 5-15 is classified as mild, 15-30 as moderate and 30+ as severe. If your AHI has been lowered to 5 or less after your CPAP treatment, this means you have successfully improved your sleep apnea.

Do I have to change the CPAP filter regularly?

All CPAP machines have a vent hole which sucks in air to the machine. Along with the air, other fine particles may also go into the machine. This may not only damage the machine’s motor, it will also cause discomfort for the user. Therefore, a high-density filter is placed in front of the vent hole of the machine, protecting the motor and user. Over a period of time, the vent’s efficiency may decrease due to accumulation of dust particles in the filter. Hence, users should follow the guidelines of the manufacturer and regularly change their filter.

Does my CPAP machine need regular checkups?

The CPAP machine is a medical product, with a high specification compared to home appliances. Therefore, it must be constantly retained at a high quality to ensure patients are receiving the best treatment. Specialized instruments are used to see whether the air pressure is normal, whether the air flow volume will automatically adjust itself if there is a leak in the nasal mask, whether the CPAP startup, functioning noises and tremors are normal and whether the machine’s surface is damaged (e.g. screen, buttons, power cables). Hence, it is necessary to have regular checkups on your CPAP machine.

What should I do when travelling with my CPAP machine?

For tips on traveling with a CPAP machine, please check out our article "Traveling with a CPAP? Easy Job!":

When do I need to change my CPAP?

According to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) in United States, CPAP machines should be changed every five years. This advice is further supported by many American medical insurance companies. The Hong Kong government allows civil servants to apply for a new CPAP machine every four years.

What should I do when travelling with my CPAP machine?

For tips on traveling with a CPAP machine, please check out our article "Traveling with a CPAP? Easy Job!":

When do I need to change my CPAP?

According to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) in United States, CPAP machines should be changed every five years. This advice is further supported by many American medical insurance companies. The Hong Kong government allows civil servants to apply for a new CPAP machine every four years.

What should I do when travelling with my CPAP machine?

For tips on traveling with a CPAP machine, please check out our article "Traveling with a CPAP? Easy Job!":





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