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【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】紐西蘭 Fisher & Paykel (F&P) Eson2 呼吸機罩鼻式鼻罩 CPAP Nasal Mask

​F&P Eson™2

Suitable for Most People


Nasal Mask

Successful & Effective

CPAP Therapy begins with...

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 成功而有效的睡眠呼吸機始於選擇適合自己的鼻罩


a CPAP Mask that

​Fits You

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 成功而有效的睡眠呼吸機始於正確佩戴鼻罩

Wear the CPAP Mask


Learn More

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 成功而有效的睡眠呼吸機始於適當清潔鼻罩及配件

Properly Clean the

CPAP Mask & Accessories

Learn More

How to Choose

a CPAP Mask that Matches Me?

6 Questions to help you select the most suitable CPAP Mask.

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您有張口睡眠的習慣,建議使用口鼻全面罩或使用下巴托。

Are you breathing through

your mouth / nose during sleep?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您有張口睡眠的習慣,建議使用口鼻全面罩或使用下巴托。

Breathing with your mouth open may be a habit, or it may be an unconscious response to a blocked nose to inhale more air. To avoid leaking air pressure due to the open oral cavity, affecting CPAP treatment, we generally recommend the use of a full face mask or chin strap to reduce air leakage caused by mouth breathing.

Are you breathing through

your mouth / nose during sleep?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您皮膚容易敏感,建議使用插鼻式鼻罩,減少鼻罩與皮膚磨擦的機會。

Do you have

Sensitive Skin?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您皮膚容易敏感,建議使用插鼻式鼻罩,減少鼻罩與皮膚磨擦的機會。

If your facial skin is prone to irritation, eczema or acne problems, you can consider a nasal pillow mask to reduce the contact between the CPAP mask and skin. This can avoid irritating sensitive skin due to friction.

Do you have

Sensitive Skin?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您有明顯鼻敏感,一般並不建議使用插鼻式鼻罩,以減少對鼻黏膜的刺激。

Do you have noticeable

Allergic Rhinitis?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您有明顯鼻敏感,一般並不建議使用插鼻式鼻罩,以減少對鼻黏膜的刺激。

If you often suffer from nasal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, or nasal congestion, it is not recommended to use a nasal pillow mask. Air pressure directly entering the nasal cavity may stimulate the nasal mucosa and exacerbate the allergy. If the nasal congestion is serious and affects the CPAP treatment, it may be necessary to request nasal spray from your doctor.

Do you have noticeable

Allergic Rhinitis?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您對狹小或幽閉空間感到不適,一般不建議使用口鼻全面罩,以減少束縛感。

Feel uncomfortable in

small or dark spaces?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您對狹小或幽閉空間感到不適,一般不建議使用口鼻全面罩,以減少束縛感。

Since the full face mask covers a large area of the face, it is not recommended. Alternatively, you can consider using a nasal pillow mask with plastic inserts to reduce the disturbance.

Feel uncomfortable in

small or dark spaces?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您經常側睡,建議您使用在額頭及面頰兩側均設有頭帶的鼻罩款式。

Often sleep on you side?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您經常側睡,建議您使用在額頭及面頰兩側均設有頭帶的鼻罩款式。

We recommend to use a CPAP mask that straps to the forehead, and both sides of the cheeks. They are robust, stable and effectively reduces the problem of air leakage caused by shifting of the CPAP mask when changing sleeping positions.

Often sleep on you side?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您注重外表並且追求簡單快捷,建議您可以試用組件較少的插鼻式鼻罩。

Emphasis on personal appearance?

Pursue simplicity?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 如果您注重外表並且追求簡單快捷,建議您可以試用組件較少的插鼻式鼻罩。

We recommend using a nasal pillow mask. There are fewer components, only one headband, so the process of wearing, cleaning or replacing accessories is effortless and quick. Also, it covers a smaller area of the face, avoiding the irritation marks that may appear on the face due to the head restraints.

Emphasis on personal appearance?

Pursue simplicity?

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】如何選擇合適的呼吸機鼻罩?立即用2分鐘完成專業鼻罩配對小測驗

Don't know how to choose?

It only takes 2 minutes to match you with a CPAP mask of choice.

What CPAP Masks are available

for selection?

(Please click to select)

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 罩鼻式鼻罩



【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 插鼻式鼻罩

Nasal Pillow Mask

【SleepKinwood 健和醫療 - 睡眠窒息症產品】呼吸機鼻罩 - 口鼻全面罩

Full Face Mask





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