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Sleep Bruxism
If you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night, and have symptoms of sensitive teeth, tooth or jaw pain, you may need to see a dentist.

Almost 9% of adult grind their teeth at night regularly

About 37% of people with bruxism have a family history of it
Sleep Bruxism

Bruxism (teeth grinding) is an unconscious habit of clenching or grinding of the upper and lower teeth against each other. It can apply substantial pressure - up to 250 pounds of force, which will cause teeth damage in the long run.

Tooth wear and pain in masticatory muscles are the common symptoms reported by people who grind their teeth during sleep.

Bruxism in children is common, about 14-17% of children have it. Your child will have a higher risk of bruxism if there is a history of it in your family.

Learn more about the solutions for sleep bruxism: Dental Guard.

Download the infographic below to learn more about sleep bruxism. (English version is available)

Learn more about the symptoms & treatment of bruxism
The information above is for reference only, you should consult your doctor if you have any health concern.
References: [1] Khoury S, Carra MC, Huynh N, Montplaisir J, Lavigne GJ. Sleep Bruxism-Tooth Grinding Prevalence, Characteristics and Familial Aggregation: A Large Cross-Sectional Survey and Polysomnographic Validation. Sleep. 2016;39(11):2049-2056. Published 2016 Nov 1.
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